International Nuclear Services has welcomed the board of the Civil Nuclear Police Authority (CNPA) to its marine terminal in Barrow, for a demonstration of how security is provided to nuclear shipments.
The CNPA oversees the UK’s Civil Nuclear Constabulary (CNC), a specialist armed police force that guards all civil nuclear sites. INS has a unique ability among nuclear cargo transporters to call on the services of the CNC to provide an armed escort where the type of nuclear cargo being carried requires it.
Following an earlier fact finding visit by CNPA chairman Sir Philip Trousdell, all board members were given a tour of Pacific Heron, one of the ships used to transport nuclear material, as well as demonstrations of the protection measures and tactics that could be deployed during marine and road escort duties.
Head of Transport Operations for INS, Matt Fox, said: “In view of our long-standing relationship with the CNC and its role in the future of our business, it was important for us to welcome all CNPA board members to witness the level of training and expertise on our vessels so that they could fully appreciate the rigour with which CNC delivers its marine and road escort duties for INS.”
The need for armed security on board a vessel, or during a road transport, is driven by the type of material that is being transported. These guidelines are set out by the International Atomic Energy Agency and are regulated in the UK by the Office for Nuclear Regulation (Civil Nuclear Security).